Getting the current full URL in PHP
Sometimes, you might want to get the current full URL in PHP. Here is how you do that. Add the following code to a page:
function selfURL() {
$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" ? "s" : "";
$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/".$s;
$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80″) ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
function strleft($s1, $s2) {
return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2));
You can now get the full URL using the line: